How to get my Wife in my Side ? A Guide to Building a Stronger, More Supportive Relationship 💞

Mallouli Academy
3 min readDec 20, 2022


It is important to have a healthy and respectful relationship with your partner, and that involves good communication, empathy, and respecting boundaries. It can be challenging when you feel like your partner is not on your side, but there are steps you can take to try to improve the situation.


Here are some tips that may help you get your wife on your side:

  • Communicate openly and honestly. Make sure to openly and honestly communicate your thoughts, feelings, and needs to your wife. This will help her understand where you are coming from and why you are seeking her support.
  • Listen to her perspective. It’s important to listen to your wife’s perspective and try to understand where she is coming from. This will help you address any concerns or reservations she may have.
  • Validate her feelings. Validate your wife’s feelings by acknowledging and understanding them. This will help her feel heard and appreciated.
  • Show appreciation and gratitude. Make sure to show appreciation and gratitude towards your wife for her support and understanding. This will help strengthen your relationship and make her feel valued.
  • Offer support and help. Offer to support and help your wife in any way you can. This could be through practical tasks or simply being there for emotional support.
  • Make time for your relationship. Make time for your relationship by setting aside quality time for just the two of you. This could be through date nights, weekend getaways, or simply spending time together at home.
  • Seek help from a professional. If you are having difficulty resolving issues in your relationship, consider seeking help from a professional therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and support to help improve communication and understanding in your relationship.
  • Practice forgiveness. Practice forgiveness by letting go of grudges and resentment towards your wife. This will help improve your relationship and make it easier for your wife to be on your side.
  • Be patient. Be patient and understanding as you work towards getting your wife on your side. Building trust and understanding takes time and effort.
  • Show kindness and compassion. Show kindness and compassion towards your wife by being considerate of her needs and feelings. This will help her feel loved and appreciated.
  • Apologize when necessary. If you have made a mistake, be sure to apologize and take responsibility for your actions. This will help repair any damage to your relationship and show your wife that you are willing to work towards a resolution.
  • Practice active listening. Practice active listening by paying attention to what your wife is saying and asking clarifying questions to ensure you understand her perspective. This will help improve communication and understanding in your relationship.
  • Offer to compromise. Offer to compromise and find a solution that works for both of you. This will help ensure that both of your needs are being met.
  • Be open to feedback. Be open to feedback and take it into consideration when trying to get your wife on your side. This will show her that you value her input and are willing to work together to find a solution.
  • Practice gratitude. Practice gratitude by expressing appreciation for your wife and all that she does for you. This will help improve your relationship and make it easier for her to be on your side.
  • Show affection. Show affection towards your wife by being loving and affectionate. This will help her feel loved and appreciated.
  • Make an effort to spend quality time together. Make an effort to spend quality time together by engaging in activities that you both enjoy. This will help strengthen your bond and improve your relationship.
  • Show respect. Show respect towards your wife by being considerate of her needs and feelings. This will help her feel valued and appreciated.
  • Practice empathy. Practice empathy by trying to understand your wife’s perspective and feelings. This will help improve communication and understanding in your relationship.

Remember, it takes effort and commitment to build a strong and supportive relationship with your spouse. Be patient and try to approach things with understanding and compassion. With time and effort, you can work towards building a stronger and more supportive relationship with your wife.

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